Saturday, February 16, 2019

Game Challenge #1

Tap the Black Tile

Game Challenge #1

The Challenge is to create a Game similar to Tap the Black Tile. Try the game below and create a variation, clone, or game inspired by this one. 

All languages are accepted. Just place a link to your game in comments for a chance to win. Suggested platforms Sololearn, Codepen, GitHub and others will be accepted.

Looking forward to seeing your creations. Best of Luck and Happy Coding!

Tap the Black Tile

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Great Code Challenges #5 FizzBuzz

Code Challenge #5 FizzBuzz

Welcome back to Great Code Challenges!  Learning to Code is an exciting process and one of the best ways to learn is thru actual practice.  I have met 100's of people studying Programming searching for a way to practice all the new skills they have encountered.  This site is created to inspire you with fun and educational challenges. Let's get started with our 5th Great Code Challenge.

Great Code Challenge #5 FizzBuzz

FizzBuzz is a fun coding challenge. Write a program using any language to replace a selected number and all numbers in a range evenly divisible by the selected number with the word Fizz. Choose another number and replace it and all numbers divisible with Buzz. Any shared numbers divisible by both should display FizzBuzz.

FizzBuzz Example Codes:

Fizzbuzz Challenge by David

Fizzbuzz you Choose

Javascript FizzBuzz Solution

Submit your programs in comments or on our Facebook page to be considered for Featuring here or on Free Code Examples. Thanks Best of Luck and Happy Coding 🙂

Thanks and have a Blessed Day

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Great Code Challenges #4 Reverse a Number

Code Challenge #4 Reverse a Number

Welcome back to Great Code Challenges!  Learning to Code is an exciting process and one of the best ways to learn is thru actual practice.  I have met 100's of people studying Programming searching for a way to practice all the new skills they have encountered.  This site is created to inspire you with fun and educational challenges. Let's get started with our 4th Great Code Challenge.

Great Code Challenge #4 Reverse a Number

Create a code using any Programming Language to Reverse a Number.  An example of a reversed number is the user inputs 12345 the program outputs 54321.

Here are some Great Code Examples of Reversing a Number

Reverse a Number using C

C++ Code to Reverse a Number

Java Code to Reverse A Number

Submit your programs in comments or on our Facebook page to be considered for Featuring here or on Free Code Examples. Thanks Best of Luck and Happy Coding 🙂

Thanks and have a Blessed Day

Friday, November 16, 2018

Great Code Challenges #2 Reverse a String

Challenge #2 Reverse a String

Welcome back to Great Code Challenges!  Learning to Code is an exciting process and one of the best ways to learn is thru actual practice.  I have met 100's of people studying Programming searching for a way to practice all the new skills they have encountered.  This site is created to inspire you with fun and educational challenges. Let's get started with our second Great Code Challenge.

Great Code Challenge #2 Reverse a String

Create a code using any Programming Language to Reverse a String.  An example of a reversed string is the user enters HelloWorld the program then outputs dlroWolleH. 

Here are some great code examples of Reversing a String:

Create your version of a code to Reverse a String and submit it in comments to be considered for an Example Feature here or to be Featured on Free Code Examples and or on our Facebook or Twitter accounts. Best of Luck and Happy Coding!!!

Thank you and have a Blessed Day

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Great Code Challenge #3 Current Date and Time

Challenge #3 Current Date and Time

Welcome back to Great Code Challenges!  Learning to Code is an exciting process and one of the best ways to learn is thru actual practice.  I have met 100's of people studying Programming searching for a way to practice all the new skills they have encountered.  This site is created to inspire you with fun and educational challenges. Let's get started with our third Great Code Challenge.

Great Code Challenge #3 Current Date and Time

Create a code using any language that will display the current date and time. 

Examples of Current Date and Time Programs

Javascript Current Date and Time

Java Current Time and Date Program

Submit your programs in comments or on our Facebook page to be considered for Featuring here or on Free Code Examples. Thanks Best of Luck and Happy Coding 🙂

Thanks and have a Blessed Day

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Great Code Challenges #1 Unit Converter

Challenge #1 Unit Converter

Welcome to Great Code Challenges!  Learning to Code is an exciting process and one of the best ways to learn is thru actual practice.  I have met 100's of people studying Programming searching for a way to practice all the new skills they have encountered.  This site is created to inspire you with fun and educational challenges. Let's get started with our first Great Code Challenge. 

Great Code Challenge #1 Unit Converter

Create a unit converter using any Programming Language. Unit Converters are simple programs to convert a quantity from one unit of measurement to another. 

Examples include:

And many more...

Here are some code examples of various Unit Converters:

Kilometers/Miles Converter Javascript

Python Code to Convert Years to Days

Javascript Temperature Conversations

Create your version of a Unit Converter and submit it in comments to be considered for an Example Feature here or to be Featured on Free Code Examples and or on our Facebook or Twitter accounts. Best of Luck and Happy Coding!!!

Thanks and have a Blessed Day

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